At one day old, I noticed Lillia was looking slightly yellow. Her billi-rubbin count was too high and she was put on a wallaby blanket for light therapy. The blanket wasn't enough and she had to go under the fake-and-bake lights in the NICU. We were able to go home on Monday, but had to rent a wallaby blanket at home. We also had to go in to the doctors for a weight check the next day. I still felt like she was pretty yellow (although it was hard to tell surrounded by all her pink), so they decided to do another blood draw for a billi-rubbin count. Her count was too high and we were admitted to the Salem Hospital pediatric department for more fake-and-bake time. Lillia and I stayed for about 24 hours and were able to go home with another appointment (a mother-baby appointment) already scheduled for the next day. Same old, same old for the next day; yellow skin, billi-rubbin count too high, but this time her weight had dropped slightly. So she went back on the wallaby and had another weight check and blood draw the next day. This time, results were good; billi-rubbin was down, and weight was up. We were still instructed to keep her on the wallaby until Monday morning. I think she is doing well. She eats well and seems to have more energy, so I think we have turned the corner with her jaundice issues.
Wallaby blanket
Fake-and-bake light (St.Vincent's NICU)
1 comment:
She is very cute and looks so tiny!
They did a bili count for Saxon at 4 days of life. They didn't do a blood draw though. They used this thing that they touched to his forehead. I've never seen such a thing before.
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