Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Pumpkin Patch

This last Saturday the boys (and Brett), Grandma, and I went in search of one of my favorite things to do in the Northwest, the pumpkin patch. Our journey began as we went in search for our usual pumpkin patch, but after an hour of driving and a couple of calls to Jeanette we found out that our usual patch is no more. So we drove another half-hour to the EZ Orchards across town. It cost $ but it was a lot of fun. There were horse rides, a small petting zoo, a corn maze, a hay ride, and of course pumpkins, including lots of baby ones. Evan kept wanting Grandma to pick him up in the corn maze. He really knows how to work his Grandma:) Caden did awesome on his first horse ride. The helmet was too big and kept falling in his eyes, but that just added to the cuteness. There was a huge slide that Evan loved doing all by himself, and the boys and I loved the piglets.

1 comment:

Joel said...

Do people ever tell you that Caden reminds them of Calvin of "Calvin and Hobbes"? I remember one of Calvin getting his picture taken and his hair was neatly parted just like Caden's in the piglet picture. I swear that's as far as the similarities go with Calvin. I'm sure you won't have to worry about a snowman horror scene in your front yard or locking the babysitter out of the house. He is cute on the pony for sure.
It's amazing how big Evan is getting really big! I had to look closely at the pictures to realize it wasn't Caden in the top picture. We'll have to try the pumpkin patch thing.