Monday, December 31, 2007


(Sung to the tune "Sisters") "Brothers...brothers, there were never such devoted brothers."
Caden helped Daddy put the lights on the Christmas tree. Sadly the lights plus a few new ornaments (thanks to Oma and Opa) were the only decorating we did for the tree this year.
It's blurry I know, but every blog entry has to have one of Evan's cheesy smiles. What you can't tell from the picture is that Caden is reading Evan my shortbread cookie recipe book. They both really love that book.
Caden with his Uncle Hayden Santa...yeah!
Evan with his Uncle Hayden Santa...bummer!


Opa said...

Wonderful pictures and comments.
Love to all,
Oma and Opa

tia said...

Glad to see Caden's gotten over his fear of Santa. It's weird how a big red suit can make Hayden look so scary to little kids.