First, I wanted to say that I really appreciated everyones comments about Leia. They really did mean a lot to me and were a great comfort to me and the boys. Now for more fun stuff...
Well our side of the crazy birthday month is now over, and here are the latest pictures and party descriptions. Caden's party was a Super Why party. Super Why is a show on PBS where kids go to storybook land and solve problems through traditional folk tales by becoming one of the Super Readers (storybook characters turned into super heroes). Caden was Super Why, of course. Brett was Little Boy Blue (this is not a typical character, but it goes along with the whole trumpet thing). Evan was Alpha Pig (one of the 3 little pigs). Bean was Wonder Red (Little Red Riding Hood). I was Princess Presto (the daughter of the Princess and the Pea), and Grandma was our photographer. We had to solve the problem of where Caden's presents were hidden. It was very cute and worth the effort!
We had to delay Evan's party on account of the snow!! Luckily, Oma and Opa's Toys-R-Us card came right on time, so we were able to go and get some presents for Evan on his birthday. Evan's party was a Thomas the Tank Engine party. Anyone who knows Evan knows how crazy he is about his "choo-choos". We made a Thomas poster for Evan, a James poster for Caden, and a freight car poster for the boys' dump truck. Brett was the signal-man, and I was the station master. They just went along the "tracks" to pick up Evan's birthday packages. And, we even got to have cake outside.

Little Boy Blue and Alpha Pig (without the pig nose)

Super Why Cake

Caden finding his presents. Notice that the only part of the Super Why costume he would consider was the why-writer used to zap words.

From Grandma and Grandpa, Caden got a Spiderman scene carpet. He also got a Spiderman on a motorcyle to go with it.

This is from Oma and Opa (with a great influence from Opa, I think). This is a mini flight suit with actual patches! It's just like the real thing from Caden looked like a mini Opa. It was very cute and I already have a Holloween costume for this year. Woo Hoo! What's more impressive is that Caden wanted to where the suit and tried to go to bed in it, but I was afraid of accidents in the night.