Monday, April 28, 2008

Evan's Birthday Pictures

Okay, make sure you read the next blog for an explanation of Evan's party.

Thomas (the front engine), a freight car, and James (the back engine)

Our first stop with a very helpful James

Unwrapping presents is a serious business.

Thomas cake without much of a face.

My Cutie pa-tooty 2 year old!


Lisa (Espanish for "Lisa") said...

Happy Birthday to all your birthday boys! I am so impressed with all your creativity in your themes. The boys look so cute and I'm sure they had tons of fun. (By the way, Vanessa shares Caden's love of Super Why and loves singing along to the alphabet song). We love and miss you guys!

tia said...

I love the pictures. It's too bad you don't live nearby; I could take Evan on a real train ride. I think both he and Caden would greatly enjoy the Metro. There's an open invitation to visit me if you ever get the chance.

Joel said...

Very creative!!

Mama said...

I like your new look for the blog.

Mama said...

Pippa, you have the most creative birthday parties I have ever seen.