Caden at the beach with Grandma and Grandpa. He loved flying his kite and the Disney channel. He was sad when we had to leave and kept wanting to go back to our room with Grandpa and Grandma (who had already left).
This was the year of home-made costumes (at least for Caden and Evan). Thank goodness for diaper boxes, duct tape, and toilet paper rolls!! Caden was supposed to take his costume to pre-school for a fashion show, but he wouldn't bring it in. He didn't care that he was the only one without a costume. I think he was concerned about it staying nice which was really wise since the box was starting to deteriorate by the time trick or treating started.
Yes, Caden has started pre-school. He loves it! Here he is on his first field trip to the pumpkin patch. We were lucky that Daddy was able to take him. The best story so far happened the 2nd week of school. Caden really wanted to go outside and play with the big kids during their recess. Well, the bathrooms have doors that lead to the outside and Caden took himself to recess without his teacher's knowledge. The head of the Salem-Keizer Pre-school department also plays in Salem Concert Band with me and was talking to the oboeist. She was telling her about how some little boy went out to recess so they had to go into all of the schools and put big huge stop signs on all doors that a pre-schooler could potentionally leave through. The oboeist knew it was Caden since I had already told her this story and said, "Hey, that was Caden!" I like to look at the situation like he's just doing his part to make the world a better and safer place:)
Caden really has grown up and changed a lot over the last 6 months - he is starting to "bloom" in a big way. It was fun to spend time with you guys at the beach and to be able to fly kites and play on the beach. Love the story of the stop signs at the exits - question is does it work?
Funny, funny. Caden has definitely shown that he will do it HIS way no matter what. You'll appreciate that quality when he's bigger; it's just hard when you're trying to get him to see things the way you do. :)
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