Here are our new puppies. We were in the process of getting one new puppy when Leia died. After hearing about Leia, the family that had Luke offered us a girl as well. Luke and Ella are now about 7 weeks old. It's been nice to have both of the puppies and the boys are so crazy over them that they have stopped jumping on me all day long! Woo hoo! The puppies have been a nice distraction for me since I am pretty impatient in my 34th week of pregnancy. It doesn't look like I'm going to develop pre-ecclampsia this time, which is good, but it also means I will probably go the whole term, and I have been ready to be done for a long time now. Anyways, the puppies are very funny. Luke is a love-bug and Ella is a spit-fire. It was hard to pick the puppies out of the litter (there were 10 puppies all together) except for the fact that Ella kept following Evan around and Luke kept following Caden. It's difficult to photograph black labs, and it's hard to tell the puppies apart, but I will do my best.

Snuggle time (Caden has Ella and Evan has Luke)
Sleeping beauties (they do a lot of this Ella is on the left and Luke is on the right)