Saturday, May 24, 2008

Baby Lillia!!

Born: 9:08 p.m.
Weight: 6 lbs. 10 oz.
Length: 18 1/4 in.


Pippa just had her epidural put in around 7 p.m. Her contractions were feeling pretty strong and she was ready for the pain to go away. She is feeling much better now. She is now 5 cm dilated, 100% effaced, and -1 station.

Water Broke

Pippa's water just broke on its own. Things are going well. Also, no magnesium this time. Yeah! Keep you posted.

Getting Ready

I wanted to catch a picture with Pippa while she is still Smiling!

We are totally ready! Pippa has her hot & cold pack, lotion, Lillia's sandals (motivation), Jane Austen book, iPod with speakers, picture key chain with pictures of Caden, Evan, and puppies, and hair doopy-doos.

Real Labor...Coming Soon!

The results are in and Lillia's lungs are mature. YEAH!!! This means that when Pippa finishes her sandwich she will be induced and start the engines.


We are still waiting on the amnio test results. They are doing some further testing, which takes longer than they first told us. To be continued...


Well, its 9:34 am and there haven't been any changes. So, here I am about to have an amnio to test Lillia's lungs. If her lungs are mature enough, then they will induce me. It should take at least another couple of hours to find out the results. So, we will let you know more later.

Friday, May 23, 2008


Hi everyone right now I'm writing this post from a hospital room in Portland. How did I get here? Well here's the low-down...
On Monday, I was supposed to have my 36 week appointment. It was canceled due to my Dr. being sick. I was resceduled for Friday. In the last two weeks, I have experienced some pretty intense swelling and started keeping track of my blood pressure. Last night, it was 145/100. So, I was very anxious for my appointment. However, once again my appointment was canceled. I called to see if a nurse could see me or something. After I explained my situation, they called the Kaiser Dr. on-call at the hospital (Dr. Pugmire who delivered Jozen). He wanted me to just come down to the hospital. While I was there, I started early contractions. None of my tests showed that I had pre-ecclampsia, but because I was having regular contractions (starting at 1pm) they decided to transfer me to Portland. And since I was in "labor", I had to go in the ambulance (which I am sure will be very impressive to my boys). Now I'm here, it's 9pm and there has been no change in my contractions or my other stats (3 cm dialated/90% effaced). They still want to monitor me and have me stay the night. They won't induce me because I'm not quite 37 weeks. So, it's up to my body to do its thing. I'm only annoyed that I have to stay in bed because of my blood pressure (which is now 130/82, much better than this afternoon).So that's it for now, and we are going to use our blog as a way to keep everyone updated.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Luke and Ella

Here are our new puppies. We were in the process of getting one new puppy when Leia died. After hearing about Leia, the family that had Luke offered us a girl as well. Luke and Ella are now about 7 weeks old. It's been nice to have both of the puppies and the boys are so crazy over them that they have stopped jumping on me all day long! Woo hoo! The puppies have been a nice distraction for me since I am pretty impatient in my 34th week of pregnancy. It doesn't look like I'm going to develop pre-ecclampsia this time, which is good, but it also means I will probably go the whole term, and I have been ready to be done for a long time now. Anyways, the puppies are very funny. Luke is a love-bug and Ella is a spit-fire. It was hard to pick the puppies out of the litter (there were 10 puppies all together) except for the fact that Ella kept following Evan around and Luke kept following Caden. It's difficult to photograph black labs, and it's hard to tell the puppies apart, but I will do my best.
Snuggle time (Caden has Ella and Evan has Luke)
Sleeping beauties (they do a lot of this Ella is on the left and Luke is on the right)