Well, its 9:34 am and there haven't been any changes. So, here I am about to have an amnio to test Lillia's lungs. If her lungs are mature enough, then they will induce me. It should take at least another couple of hours to find out the results. So, we will let you know more later.
Thinking of you Pippa! Happy pushing! I can't wait to meet her! -Jen
Dear Daughter,
We're waiting patiently for Lil's arrival. We love updates.
All our love,
Mom & Dad
I know being in the hospital is not the most glamorous, but I think you look great.
I showed the boys the pictures of you, Pippa and they wanted to visit you in the hospital. I explained that we had to wait until AFTER the baby was born. I then asked them if they wanted to kiss you. They both said yes so I held them up to the monitor and they each gave you a kiss. I told Brett about this on the phone but thought you would want it recorded to remember.
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