On Monday, I was supposed to have my 36 week appointment. It was canceled due to my Dr. being sick. I was resceduled for Friday. In the last two weeks, I have experienced some pretty intense swelling and started keeping track of my blood pressure. Last night, it was 145/100. So, I was very anxious for my appointment. However, once again my appointment was canceled. I called to see if a nurse could see me or something. After I explained my situation, they called the Kaiser Dr. on-call at the hospital (Dr. Pugmire who delivered Jozen). He wanted me to just come down to the hospital. While I was there, I started early contractions. None of my tests showed that I had pre-ecclampsia, but because I was having regular contractions (starting at 1pm) they decided to transfer me to Portland. And since I was in "labor", I had to go in the ambulance (which I am sure will be very impressive to my boys). Now I'm here, it's 9pm and there has been no change in my contractions or my other stats (3 cm dialated/90% effaced). They still want to monitor me and have me stay the night. They won't induce me because I'm not quite 37 weeks. So, it's up to my body to do its thing. I'm only annoyed that I have to stay in bed because of my blood pressure (which is now 130/82, much better than this afternoon).So that's it for now, and we are going to use our blog as a way to keep everyone updated. 
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I'll definitely be checking your blog for updates. I hope things go well, whatever that means; I'll be praying for you. Thanks for keeping us informed.
Looks like you're not going to have to wait so long afterall. :) And unless you reaaly drag this out, Saxon & Lillia are only going to be a couple of weeks apart. How fun! I just wish we were around to help. Wishing you the best of luck with everything. Love ya guys!
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