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Make a Smilebox scrapbook |
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Ah of course, the choo-choos. It took all day, but we finally got Evan in his costume. We re-used Evan's birthday choo-choos, stuck them on a diaper box, added some flash lights and duct tape, used our Thomas the Tank Engine Remote, and added a hat we got when we went to the Antique Engine show in Brooks to see Grandma's cousin.

I know this was at the Seaside Beach resort with Grandma and Grandpa, but I don't know where. But this picture does show his cutie-pie side.

This was at the leather store in Seaside where he was excited about finding an Indiana Jones hat! He loved showing anyone and everyone who was in the store.

This is my stinker Evan. He's two and enough said! I think in the last few weeks, I have started to see the light at the end of the tantrum tunnel. He has really been doing well learning his colors, shapes, and letters lately. He has also adjusted to not having Caden around while he is at pre-school. He pretty much wrestles the dogs most of time. Of course, all of the pre-school parents know Evan since he is the one running up and down the halls. They try to help me distract him while I pick-up or drop-off Caden. His energy his difficult to deal with now, but he is very sweet and I know his energy will pay-off in the long run.

I know this was at the Seaside Beach resort with Grandma and Grandpa, but I don't know where. But this picture does show his cutie-pie side.
This was at the leather store in Seaside where he was excited about finding an Indiana Jones hat! He loved showing anyone and everyone who was in the store.
This is my stinker Evan. He's two and enough said! I think in the last few weeks, I have started to see the light at the end of the tantrum tunnel. He has really been doing well learning his colors, shapes, and letters lately. He has also adjusted to not having Caden around while he is at pre-school. He pretty much wrestles the dogs most of time. Of course, all of the pre-school parents know Evan since he is the one running up and down the halls. They try to help me distract him while I pick-up or drop-off Caden. His energy his difficult to deal with now, but he is very sweet and I know his energy will pay-off in the long run.
Sorry it's been so long folks, here's a brief update from our neck of the woods...
Caden at the beach with Grandma and Grandpa. He loved flying his kite and the Disney channel. He was sad when we had to leave and kept wanting to go back to our room with Grandpa and Grandma (who had already left).

This was the year of home-made costumes (at least for Caden and Evan). Thank goodness for diaper boxes, duct tape, and toilet paper rolls!! Caden was supposed to take his costume to pre-school for a fashion show, but he wouldn't bring it in. He didn't care that he was the only one without a costume. I think he was concerned about it staying nice which was really wise since the box was starting to deteriorate by the time trick or treating started.

Yes, Caden has started pre-school. He loves it! Here he is on his first field trip to the pumpkin patch. We were lucky that Daddy was able to take him. The best story so far happened the 2nd week of school. Caden really wanted to go outside and play with the big kids during their recess. Well, the bathrooms have doors that lead to the outside and Caden took himself to recess without his teacher's knowledge. The head of the Salem-Keizer Pre-school department also plays in Salem Concert Band with me and was talking to the oboeist. She was telling her about how some little boy went out to recess so they had to go into all of the schools and put big huge stop signs on all doors that a pre-schooler could potentionally leave through. The oboeist knew it was Caden since I had already told her this story and said, "Hey, that was Caden!" I like to look at the situation like he's just doing his part to make the world a better and safer place:)
Caden at the beach with Grandma and Grandpa. He loved flying his kite and the Disney channel. He was sad when we had to leave and kept wanting to go back to our room with Grandpa and Grandma (who had already left).
This was the year of home-made costumes (at least for Caden and Evan). Thank goodness for diaper boxes, duct tape, and toilet paper rolls!! Caden was supposed to take his costume to pre-school for a fashion show, but he wouldn't bring it in. He didn't care that he was the only one without a costume. I think he was concerned about it staying nice which was really wise since the box was starting to deteriorate by the time trick or treating started.
Yes, Caden has started pre-school. He loves it! Here he is on his first field trip to the pumpkin patch. We were lucky that Daddy was able to take him. The best story so far happened the 2nd week of school. Caden really wanted to go outside and play with the big kids during their recess. Well, the bathrooms have doors that lead to the outside and Caden took himself to recess without his teacher's knowledge. The head of the Salem-Keizer Pre-school department also plays in Salem Concert Band with me and was talking to the oboeist. She was telling her about how some little boy went out to recess so they had to go into all of the schools and put big huge stop signs on all doors that a pre-schooler could potentionally leave through. The oboeist knew it was Caden since I had already told her this story and said, "Hey, that was Caden!" I like to look at the situation like he's just doing his part to make the world a better and safer place:)
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Sunday, June 1, 2008
More cute pictures...
Lillia's Adventures
Wow! This has been a very busy week, especially since Lillia is only 1 week and 1 day old. Here's the story:
At one day old, I noticed Lillia was looking slightly yellow. Her billi-rubbin count was too high and she was put on a wallaby blanket for light therapy. The blanket wasn't enough and she had to go under the fake-and-bake lights in the NICU. We were able to go home on Monday, but had to rent a wallaby blanket at home. We also had to go in to the doctors for a weight check the next day. I still felt like she was pretty yellow (although it was hard to tell surrounded by all her pink), so they decided to do another blood draw for a billi-rubbin count. Her count was too high and we were admitted to the Salem Hospital pediatric department for more fake-and-bake time. Lillia and I stayed for about 24 hours and were able to go home with another appointment (a mother-baby appointment) already scheduled for the next day. Same old, same old for the next day; yellow skin, billi-rubbin count too high, but this time her weight had dropped slightly. So she went back on the wallaby and had another weight check and blood draw the next day. This time, results were good; billi-rubbin was down, and weight was up. We were still instructed to keep her on the wallaby until Monday morning. I think she is doing well. She eats well and seems to have more energy, so I think we have turned the corner with her jaundice issues.
Wallaby blanket

Fake-and-bake light (St.Vincent's NICU)

At one day old, I noticed Lillia was looking slightly yellow. Her billi-rubbin count was too high and she was put on a wallaby blanket for light therapy. The blanket wasn't enough and she had to go under the fake-and-bake lights in the NICU. We were able to go home on Monday, but had to rent a wallaby blanket at home. We also had to go in to the doctors for a weight check the next day. I still felt like she was pretty yellow (although it was hard to tell surrounded by all her pink), so they decided to do another blood draw for a billi-rubbin count. Her count was too high and we were admitted to the Salem Hospital pediatric department for more fake-and-bake time. Lillia and I stayed for about 24 hours and were able to go home with another appointment (a mother-baby appointment) already scheduled for the next day. Same old, same old for the next day; yellow skin, billi-rubbin count too high, but this time her weight had dropped slightly. So she went back on the wallaby and had another weight check and blood draw the next day. This time, results were good; billi-rubbin was down, and weight was up. We were still instructed to keep her on the wallaby until Monday morning. I think she is doing well. She eats well and seems to have more energy, so I think we have turned the corner with her jaundice issues.
Wallaby blanket
Fake-and-bake light (St.Vincent's NICU)
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Pippa just had her epidural put in around 7 p.m. Her contractions were feeling pretty strong and she was ready for the pain to go away. She is feeling much better now. She is now 5 cm dilated, 100% effaced, and -1 station.
Water Broke
Pippa's water just broke on its own. Things are going well. Also, no magnesium this time. Yeah! Keep you posted.
Getting Ready
Real Labor...Coming Soon!
We are still waiting on the amnio test results. They are doing some further testing, which takes longer than they first told us. To be continued...
Friday, May 23, 2008
Hi everyone right now I'm writing this post from a hospital room in Portland. How did I get here? Well here's the low-down...
On Monday, I was supposed to have my 36 week appointment. It was canceled due to my Dr. being sick. I was resceduled for Friday. In the last two weeks, I have experienced some pretty intense swelling and started keeping track of my blood pressure. Last night, it was 145/100. So, I was very anxious for my appointment. However, once again my appointment was canceled. I called to see if a nurse could see me or something. After I explained my situation, they called the Kaiser Dr. on-call at the hospital (Dr. Pugmire who delivered Jozen). He wanted me to just come down to the hospital. While I was there, I started early contractions. None of my tests showed that I had pre-ecclampsia, but because I was having regular contractions (starting at 1pm) they decided to transfer me to Portland. And since I was in "labor", I had to go in the ambulance (which I am sure will be very impressive to my boys). Now I'm here, it's 9pm and there has been no change in my contractions or my other stats (3 cm dialated/90% effaced). They still want to monitor me and have me stay the night. They won't induce me because I'm not quite 37 weeks. So, it's up to my body to do its thing. I'm only annoyed that I have to stay in bed because of my blood pressure (which is now 130/82, much better than this afternoon).So that's it for now, and we are going to use our blog as a way to keep everyone updated. 
Monday, May 5, 2008
Luke and Ella
Here are our new puppies. We were in the process of getting one new puppy when Leia died. After hearing about Leia, the family that had Luke offered us a girl as well. Luke and Ella are now about 7 weeks old. It's been nice to have both of the puppies and the boys are so crazy over them that they have stopped jumping on me all day long! Woo hoo! The puppies have been a nice distraction for me since I am pretty impatient in my 34th week of pregnancy. It doesn't look like I'm going to develop pre-ecclampsia this time, which is good, but it also means I will probably go the whole term, and I have been ready to be done for a long time now. Anyways, the puppies are very funny. Luke is a love-bug and Ella is a spit-fire. It was hard to pick the puppies out of the litter (there were 10 puppies all together) except for the fact that Ella kept following Evan around and Luke kept following Caden. It's difficult to photograph black labs, and it's hard to tell the puppies apart, but I will do my best.
Snuggle time (Caden has Ella and Evan has Luke)
Sleeping beauties (they do a lot of this Ella is on the left and Luke is on the right)
Monday, April 28, 2008
Evan's Birthday Pictures
The Boys' Birthdays
First, I wanted to say that I really appreciated everyones comments about Leia. They really did mean a lot to me and were a great comfort to me and the boys. Now for more fun stuff...
Well our side of the crazy birthday month is now over, and here are the latest pictures and party descriptions. Caden's party was a Super Why party. Super Why is a show on PBS where kids go to storybook land and solve problems through traditional folk tales by becoming one of the Super Readers (storybook characters turned into super heroes). Caden was Super Why, of course. Brett was Little Boy Blue (this is not a typical character, but it goes along with the whole trumpet thing). Evan was Alpha Pig (one of the 3 little pigs). Bean was Wonder Red (Little Red Riding Hood). I was Princess Presto (the daughter of the Princess and the Pea), and Grandma was our photographer. We had to solve the problem of where Caden's presents were hidden. It was very cute and worth the effort!
We had to delay Evan's party on account of the snow!! Luckily, Oma and Opa's Toys-R-Us card came right on time, so we were able to go and get some presents for Evan on his birthday. Evan's party was a Thomas the Tank Engine party. Anyone who knows Evan knows how crazy he is about his "choo-choos". We made a Thomas poster for Evan, a James poster for Caden, and a freight car poster for the boys' dump truck. Brett was the signal-man, and I was the station master. They just went along the "tracks" to pick up Evan's birthday packages. And, we even got to have cake outside.

Little Boy Blue and Alpha Pig (without the pig nose)

Super Why Cake

Caden finding his presents. Notice that the only part of the Super Why costume he would consider was the why-writer used to zap words.

From Grandma and Grandpa, Caden got a Spiderman scene carpet. He also got a Spiderman on a motorcyle to go with it.

This is from Oma and Opa (with a great influence from Opa, I think). This is a mini flight suit with actual patches! It's just like the real thing from Flyboys.com. Caden looked like a mini Opa. It was very cute and I already have a Holloween costume for this year. Woo Hoo! What's more impressive is that Caden wanted to where the suit and tried to go to bed in it, but I was afraid of accidents in the night.
Well our side of the crazy birthday month is now over, and here are the latest pictures and party descriptions. Caden's party was a Super Why party. Super Why is a show on PBS where kids go to storybook land and solve problems through traditional folk tales by becoming one of the Super Readers (storybook characters turned into super heroes). Caden was Super Why, of course. Brett was Little Boy Blue (this is not a typical character, but it goes along with the whole trumpet thing). Evan was Alpha Pig (one of the 3 little pigs). Bean was Wonder Red (Little Red Riding Hood). I was Princess Presto (the daughter of the Princess and the Pea), and Grandma was our photographer. We had to solve the problem of where Caden's presents were hidden. It was very cute and worth the effort!
We had to delay Evan's party on account of the snow!! Luckily, Oma and Opa's Toys-R-Us card came right on time, so we were able to go and get some presents for Evan on his birthday. Evan's party was a Thomas the Tank Engine party. Anyone who knows Evan knows how crazy he is about his "choo-choos". We made a Thomas poster for Evan, a James poster for Caden, and a freight car poster for the boys' dump truck. Brett was the signal-man, and I was the station master. They just went along the "tracks" to pick up Evan's birthday packages. And, we even got to have cake outside.
Little Boy Blue and Alpha Pig (without the pig nose)
Super Why Cake
Caden finding his presents. Notice that the only part of the Super Why costume he would consider was the why-writer used to zap words.
From Grandma and Grandpa, Caden got a Spiderman scene carpet. He also got a Spiderman on a motorcyle to go with it.
This is from Oma and Opa (with a great influence from Opa, I think). This is a mini flight suit with actual patches! It's just like the real thing from Flyboys.com. Caden looked like a mini Opa. It was very cute and I already have a Holloween costume for this year. Woo Hoo! What's more impressive is that Caden wanted to where the suit and tried to go to bed in it, but I was afraid of accidents in the night.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Some sad news
I know I haven't updated the blog in long time, and I'm sad that this is what has been the next installment. Our beautiful black dog, Leia, was hit by a car today and died. There has been this stray dog in our neighborhood for the last 3 months which dog control has been trying to catch, but people have been feeding it so, it's been staying around. Anyways, our friendly Leia loves other dogs and went running after it this morning when we were leaving to run some errands. This not uncommon for Leia, so I didn't think much of it. She always comes right back (I didn't realize she had bolted after this other dog). I put the boys in the car and went to look for her since she hadn't come back yet. Two houses down, there is construction going on and the fence is down, so the property cuts through to Boone Rd which is a street where many people speed. I checked there I didn't see her then drove down the street to the Hansons' (our Home Teachers and owners of Leia's best dog friends). Still no Leia, so I went to Boone Rd. and saw her down the hill not very far from the construction site. Someone had already stopped to help and was trying to call the humane society. When I saw her, I immediately fell apart and I knew she was gone. As I put my hand on her heart, I felt one last heart beat, but just one. Another lady stopped, she was on the board of the humane society and had her vet's name in her cell and called him for me. She offered to put Leia in her car and take her to the vets so the boys would not see her. I followed her there and the vet took Leia in. He confirmed her death. I decided to have the vets office take care of her. They gave me Leia's collar and we left. I know by the way she was lying in the road that someone hit her really hard and I'm sure she went instantly. I am upset that who ever hit her did not stop and it was a visible area. I think that speed was probably a major factor. Leia was the biggest sweetheart I have ever known, and I feel blessed that she was ours for even a little while. She loved the boys and the boys loved her, and I loved having her curled up next to me by the couch every night. She was my angel puppy. I am also thankful that caring people stopped and knew what to do, because I didn't know what to do. I'm not usually the one who loses it (that is usually Brett's role). Anyways, I know that our family is very blessed to have had such a special dog and that as Caden said, "Leia is with Jesus and we don't want Jesus to cry."
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